
Ceiling/roof insulation

In summer, extreme amounts of heat can enter the home through the roof and in winter it is quite easy for the heat to escape and the cold to trickle through. Including thermal insulation in the ceiling will act as a barrier to the heat flow in and out of your home. Ceiling insulation is specifically designed for this and comes in a range of thicknesses suitable for different climate zones within Australia.

Ceiling insulation is normally installed from below the ceiling during construction the period. If you are renovating or wanting to install insulation in an existing home, access to the roof space will be required to do so.

The R-value of the insulation needs to be considered when choosing the correct type for the ceiling. R-value refers to the thermal resistance and is the factor that determines the efficiency of thermal insulation. Depending on what kind of climate you live in, there are certain requirements on what R-value is needed for your project. If you’d like to learn more on R-value, then check out our blog! Click here for a more in-depth understanding about R-values.

A well-insulated home is an investment that will pay itself back in a mere couple of years, as you will be saving up to 50% off your energy bills. Being less reliant on your heating and cooling will not only save you money, but also help in reducing greenhouse gasses and your overall carbon footprint without needing to change your habits. Insulation is vital in creating your most comfortable and liveable home yet.

At No Gap Insulation, we have a wide range of ceiling and roof insulation for your property’s specific requirements. Pink Batts, Polyester Insulation, Glasswool Batts, and Earthwool Batts are just some of our top quality brands used for ceiling insulation. The insulation we supply is very safe and can easily be installed by homeowners, however make sure to research if you plan on a DIY install job. If DIY is not your style, then give us a call. At No Gap we not only supply insulation, but install as well!

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